Using PocketBase, Deno, and Fresh to deploy a production ready app under an hour 🚀

Landscape of web development is ever-changing. There is a new JavaScript framework seemingly every day! There are countless tutorials and guides on how to quickly deploy production-ready apps using popular frameworks and libraries.

In recent years, Deno, a TypeScript-first JavaScript runtime, has gained a fair level of popularity and many frameworks and libraries have emerged around the technology. In this workshop, we will learn how to deploy a production-ready web application using:

🏕️ PocketBase: Lightweight, single-executable backend with MySQL database.
🦕 Deno: Modern, TypeScript-first JavaScript runtime that focuses on developer experience and Web APIs.
🍋 Fresh: A Deno-based full-stack framework for building fast and scalable websites.

We will build a simple note-taking app and deploy it to Deno Deploy, a serverless platform for JavaScript applications.

👩‍🏫 Introduction: A brief summary of the tech-stack and a general overview of the workshop.
A presentation about the technologies.
Outline of the workshop.
Instructions on guidelines & useful resources.
📦 Installation: Installation of necessary tools and extensions.
Installing necessary CLI applications, IDE extensions.
Helping out to resolve any technical issues.
👨‍💻 Implementation: Main part of the workshop, implementing the app and resolving any technical issues.
Intro to working with Fresh and PocketBase.
Basics of PocketBase’s API rules & auth providers.
Overview of Fresh’s server-side rendering and interactive islands.
Resolving any technical issues.
🚀 Deployment: Deploying the app to production
Releasing the app to Deno Deploy.
Monitoring the release & resolving any technical issues.
💬 Wrap-up: Q&A and discussions.
Post-release questions and discussions.

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